The Renee Award

May 30, 2009

The Renee Award 

   Marie awarded my blog with the Renee Award some time ago and I’m finally getting around to posting about it…   

    The Renee award was created by two friends of Renee to honor her.  Renee’s blog,  is extremely worthy to read, if you get a chance.  Her most recent post is to her now adult children  made me think of how wonderful it must be to have her as a Mother.  I don’t know a lot of parents that would do this for their children this way and it really is beautiful.  

   I should tell you that Renee has stage 4 cancer so has a different perspective going on.  I understand how chronic, life threatening illness really hones down your life to only the most key, and important stuff.   I have a more normal life now and can see things from two sides of that fence.  I get how we forget the ultimately important stuff day to day when there isn’t something like this to remind us to stop sweating the small stuff or delight in the littlest things.  Still I think we should make the effort to do whatever we can to remind ourselves that this is our life, here and now, and if you don’t choose to live it how you want then how are you living it?  If not *your* choice, then whose?

  Maybe a touchstone in your pocket that you carry around every day would be a reminder to you to stop for a moment, breathe and be.   One of the questions I ask myself throughout the day is: will this really matter when I’m 87?  How about an hour from now?  It weeds things out quickly for me!

  Marie’s comment on her blog about the Renee award is lengthy but she ended it with: Welcome to the Singe Sisters Sorority at the Hellinback College of Hard Knocks.  =)

  I love you Marie and am honored.  Thank you for all the stuff we’ve traveled through together through the years.  Thank you for being my family. I can’t tell you how important that is to me and how much respect I have for you.  I will always want the best for you, whatever you deem that to be, no matter what.   xxoo